Well, let's talk about geese. It is Martin Luther King Day and I am looking out the window and I see a flock of Snow Geese (SNGE) and I think, "Oh, look at that a flock of Snow Geese! I really wish they would land so I could watch them through my spotting scope." Then, about five minutes later, I went upstairs and saw....a whole flock Snow Geese (SNGO), Greater white-fronted Goose (GWFG), and the common Canada Goose(CAGO). I decided to take a video/photo with my ipad ( aka digiscope them). Here is what I got....
P.S If you see the dark birds with the white head you might think that it is a different species of goose. It used to be considered a different species called the Blue Goose, but it's actually a morph of the Snow Goose.