Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Well. today was my second bird presentation at LMG.    
After I gave the bird talks I collected the new wild life cam. It had some cool shots. There is one that really surprised me...an Indigo Bunting!   Here are some of the pictures:


Great Crested Flycatcher            

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Please leave comments and if you have a bird-related question, please leave it in the comment box. I'd also like to hear your ideas for new posts.

Buteos  vs. Accipiters

What are Buteos and Accipiters?

Buteos and accipiters are the two main hawk families. There are more but I am not going to cover them in this post.


Buteos are robust hawks with long wings. They can be seen flying in long, lazy circles in the sky or hunting from a perch. Some species of Buteos are the Red Tailed Hawk, Red Shouldered Hawk, Rough Legged Hawk, Gosh Hawk, Swainson's Hawk, and Broad Winged Hawk.

                                                           Swainson's Hawk


Accipiters are short, round winged hawks with long tails. They spend their time in the forest and will fly directly into the bush and can be called "bush beaters." Some species of Accipiters are the Sharp Shinned Hawk, Cooper's Hawk, and the Northern Gosh Hawk.



Well, I have some news.... I am doing the Young Birder of the Year Contest.
Go to this link if you are interested in learning more about the contest:  http://zbirding.blogspot.com/

Saturday, June 13, 2015


So, my family and I went to Reno to visit some family. While I was there I went birding. I had a great time. I am not going to tell a story. I am just going to show some pictures. I would like to say a special "thank you" to my dad's friend, Dave, for an amazing day of birding.  Also, a shout out to my Aunt Rosy and my Grandma Dorene for their support and for taking me places to see birds. 
                                                                  California Quail

                                                                  California Quail

                                                                  California Quail

                                                                  California Quail

                                                                  Wild Horse

                                                                  Wild Horse

Cinnamon Teal

 Black Crowned Night Heron

                                                             Red Tailed Hawk Nest

                                                                 Red Breasted Nuthatch

                                                                 Red Breasted Nuthatch
                                                          Swainson's Hawk

                                                                 American Avocet

                                                                 American Avocet


                                                                 American Avocets

                                                                 California Gulls